Festival of Premium Alcoholic Beverages "Strong World"
The best releases were presented at the third festival of premium alcoholic drinks "Strong World", which took place on September 30, 2017 at Amber Plaza. And how could it be otherwise, when among the huge (more than 600 types) variety of whiskey, cognac, brandy, tequila, grappa, rum, gin, bitter, such recognized authorities as French cognac Courvoisier, American bourbon stood out especially brightly_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Jim Beam, Dominican Rum Brugal and Famous Grouse Scotch Whiskey. Jim Beam при помощи #VR оборудования, погрузил посетителей в атмосферу производства премиального бурбона Jim Beam_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Double Oak, ром Brugal представил новую бутылку рома 1888, которая стала еще более оригинальной с рукотворными элементами, а Famous Grouse угощал гостей фестиваля interesting serving with partridge broth and hints of smoky whiskey Famous Grouse smoky black.